Program Committee
Program Chair
Miguel Ferreira
EFA 2019 Program Chair
BPI | Fundação “la Caixa” Chair Professor in Responsible Finance
Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE)
Local Committee
- Fernando Anjos, Nova SBE
- Martijn Boons, Nova SBE
- Irem Demirci, Nova SBE
- Isaac Hacamo, Nova SBE
- João Pereira, Nova SBE
- Melissa Prado, Nova SBE
- Francisco Queiró, Nova SBE
- Emanuele Rizzo, Nova SBE
- Pedro Santa Clara, Nova SBE
- Rafael Zambrana, Nova SBE
Track Chairs
- Manuel Adelino, Duke University
- Heitor Almeida, University of Illinois
- Frederico Belo, INSEAD
- Anna Cieslak, Duke University
- Pierre Collin-Dufresne, EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute
- Claudia Custodio, Imperial College Business School
- Isil Erel, The Ohio State University
- Rudiger Fahlenbrach, EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute
- Daniel Ferreira, London School of Economics
- Thierry Focault, HEC Paris
- Mariassunta Giannetti, Stockholm School of Economics
- Francisco Gomes, London Business School
- Victoria Ivashina, Harvard Business School
- Ralph Koijen, University of Chicago
- Peter Kondor, London School of Economics
- Camelia Kuhnen, The University of North Carolina at Chaper Hill
- Gustavo Manso, University of California at Berkeley
- Pedro Matos, University of Virginia
- Adair Morse, UC Berkeley
- Paige Ouimet, The University of North Carolina at Chaper Hill
- Kim Peijnenburg, EDHEC Business School
- Jose-Luis Peydro, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, CREI and Barcelona GSE
- Veronika Pool, Indiana University
- Manju Puri, Duke University
- Joao Santos, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Allan Timmermann, UC San Diego
- Victoria Vanasco, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
- Andrea Vedolin, Boston University
- Toni Whited, University of Michigan
- Kathy Yuan, London School of Economics
Special Session Chairs
- BIS Session – Leonardo Gambacorta and Boris Hofmann, Bank for International Settlements
- ECB Session – Angela Maddaloni, European Central Bank
- NBIM Session – Dagfinn Rime, BI Norwegian Business School
Doctoral Tutorial Chairs
- Esther Eiling (University of Amsterdam)
- Gyöngyi Lóránth (University of Vienna)
- Kristian Miltersen (Copenhagen Business School)
- Frans de Roon (Tilburg University)
Doctoral Workshop Chairs
- Laura Starks, University of Texas at Austin
- Zacharias Sautner, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- Philipp Krueger, University of Geneva and Swiss Finance Institute
- Simona Abis, Columbia University
- Tim Adam, Humboldt University
- Jawad M. Addoum, Cornell University
- Vikas Agarwal, Georgia State University
- Rajesh Aggarwal, Northeastern University
- Reena Aggarwal, Georgetown University
- Anup Agrawal, University of Alabama
- Kenneth Ahern, University of Southern California
- Nihat Aktas, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
- Rui Albuquerque, Boston College
- Cindy Alexander, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Andres Almazan, University of Texas at Austin
- Brav Alon, Duke University
- Aydogan Alti, University of Texas-Austin
- Yakov Amihud, NYU Stern School of Business
- Mario Daniele Amore, Bocconi University
- Daniel Andrei, McGill
- Fernando Anjos, Nova School of Business and Economics
- Miguel Anton, IESE Business School
- Constantinos Antoniou, University of Warwick
- George O. Aragon, Arizona State University
- Marc Arnold, University of St. Gallen
- Julian Atanassov, University of Nebraska
- Patrick Augustin, McGill University
- Doron Avramov, Hebrew University
- Ilona Babenko, Arizona State University
- Tatiana Babina, Columbia
- Philippe Bacchetta, University of Lausanne, Swiss Finance Institute
- Laurent Bach, ESSEC Business School
- Kerry Back, Rice University
- Lieven T.M. Baele, Tilburg University
- Ramin P Baghai, Stockholm School of Economics
- Jennie Bai, Georgetown University
- Warren Bailey, Cornell University
- Turan G. Bali, Georgetown University
- Guido Baltussen, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Federico Bandi, Johns Hopkins University
- Brad Barber, UC Davis
- Laurent Barras, McGill University
- Pedro Barroso, UNSW Business School
- Jan Bartholdy, Aarhus University
- Shmuel Baruch, University of Utah
- David Bates, University of Iowa
- Thomas Bates, Arizona State University
- Robert Battalio, University of Notre Dame
- Daniel Bauer, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Thorsten Beck, Cass Business School
- Bo Becker, Stockholm School of Economics
- Taylor Begley, Washington University in St. Louis
- Patrick Behr, Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration
- Jan Bena, University of British Columbia
- Itzhak Ben-David, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
- Efraim Benmelech, Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
- Azi Ben-Rephael, Rutgers Business School
- Tobias Berg, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
- Elizabeth Berger, Cornell
- Daniel Bergstresser, Brandeis University
- Elazar Berkovitch, IDC Herzliya
- Tony Berrada, University of Geneva
- Sebastien Betermier, McGill University
- Sanjai Bhagat, University of Colorado
- Harjoat Singh Bhamra, Imperial College Business School
- Sreedhar T. Bharath, Arizona State University
- Utpal Bhattacharya, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Sugato Bhattacharyya, University of Michigan
- Daniele Bianchi, University of Warwick
- Carsten Bienz, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
- Matthew Billett, Indiana University
- Andriy Bodnaruk, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Vicki L. Bogan, Cornell University
- Oliver Boguth, Arizona State University
- Diana Bonfim, Banco de Portugal
- Dion Bongaerts, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Audra Boone, Texas Christian University
- Martijn Boons, Nova School of Business and Economics
- Arnoud W A Boot, University of Amsterdam
- Jacob Boudoukh, IDC Arison School of Business
- Romain Boulland, ESSEC Business School
- Fabio Braggion, Tilburg University
- Menachem Brenner, Stern School of Business
- Bradyn Breon-Drish, UC San Diego
- Jonathan Brogaard, University of Utah
- Craig Brown, Northeastern University
- David P Brown, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Martin Brown, University of St. Gallen
- Stephen Brown, Monash Business School
- Max Bruche, Humboldt University of Berlin
- Andrea Buraschi, Imperial College Business School
- Timothy R Burch, University of Miami
- Mike Burkart, Swedish House of Finance
- Adrian Buss, INSEAD
- Jeffrey Busse, Goizueta Business School
- Sabrina Buti, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Andrea Caggese, Pompeu Fabra University
- Fang Cai, Federal Reserve Board
- Jie Cao, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Murray Carlson, University of British Columbia
- Francesca Carrieri, McGill University
- Daniel Carvalho, Indiana University
- Fabio Castiglionesi, Tilburg University
- Ling Cen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Geraldo Cerqueiro, CLSBE
- Giovanni Cespa, Cass Business School
- Georgy Chabakauri, London School of Economics
- Maria Chaderina, WU Vienna
- Pierre Chaigneau, Queen’s University
- Bidisha Chakrabarty, Saint Louis University
- Tom Chang, USC
- Xin Chang, Nanyang Business School
- David Chapman, University of Virginia
- Sudheer Chava, Georgia Tech
- Gilles Chemla, Imperial College Business School, CNRS, CEPR
- Thomas Chemmanur, Boston College
- Joseph Chen, University of California, Davis
- Mark Chen, Georgia State University
- Tao Chen, Nanyang Technological University
- Sergey Chernenko, Purdue University
- Darwin Choi, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Hyun-soo Choi, KAIST
- Tarun Chordia, Emory University
- Susan Christoffersen, University of Toronto – Rotman School of Management
- Joao Cocco, London Business School
- Lauren Cohen, Harvard Business School
- Jonathan Cohn, University of Texas-Austin
- Jeffrey Coles, University of Utah
- Jean Edouard Colliard, HEC Paris
- Carole Comerton-Forde, UNSW Sydney
- Lin William Cong, The University of Chicago
- Robert Connolly, UNC Chapel Hill
- Jennifer Conrad, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
- Anthony Cookson, University of Colorado – Boulder
- Ian Cooper, London Business School
- Ilan Cooper, BI Norwegian Business School
- Michael Cooper, University of Utah
- Mathijs Cosemans, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Alan Crane, Rice University
- Nicolas Crouzet, Northwestern University
- Vicente Cunat, London School of Economics
- Igor Cunha, University of Kentucky
- Dragana Cvijanovic, UNC Chapel Hill
- Peter Cziraki, University of Toronto
- Zhi Da, University of Notre Dame
- Marco Da Rin, Tilburg University
- Francesco D’Acunto, Boston College
- Magnus Dahlquist, Stockholm School of Economics
- Thomas Dangl, Vienna University of Technology
- Kent Daniel, Columbia Business School
- Naveen Daniel, Drexel University
- Andras Danis, Georgia Tech
- Amil Dasgupta, London School of Economics
- Sudipto Dasgupta, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Shaun Davies, University of Colorado
- Eduardo Davila, NYU Stern School of Business
- Eric de Bodt, Université de Lille
- Ralph De Haas, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Abe De Jong, Monash University
- Frank de Jong, Tilburg University
- Frans de Roon, Tilburg University
- Francois Degeorge, USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Swiss Finance Institute
- Hans Degryse, University of Leuven
- Diane Del Guercio, University of Oregon
- Pasquale Della Corte, Imperial College Business School
- Irem Demirci, Nova School of Business and Economics
- Yongheng Deng, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Francois Derrien, HEC Paris
- Alberta Di Giuli, ESCP
- Jens Dick-Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
- Stephen G. Dimmock, Nanyang Technological University
- Theodosios Dimopoulos, University of Lausanne
- Ingolf Dittmann, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Jennifer Dlugosz, Washington University in St. Louis
- Craig Doidge, University of Toronto
- Andres Donangelo, UT Austin
- Joost Driessen, Tilburg University
- Ying Duan, Simon Fraser University
- Ran Duchin, University of Washington
- Greg Duffee, Johns Hopkins University
- Espen Eckbo, Dartmouth College
- Matthias Efing, HEC Paris
- Mark Egan, Harvard Business School
- Esther Eiling, University of Amsterdam
- Andrew Ellul, Indiana University
- Joseph Engelberg, UCSD
- Vihang Errunza, McGill University
- Richard Evans, University of Virginia
- Michael Ewens, Caltech
- José Faias, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa
- Joseph P. H. Fan, CUHK Business School
- Joan Farre-Mensa, Northeastern University
- Michael Faulkender, Robert H. Smith School of Business
- Carlo Favero, Bocconi University
- Jack Favilukis, University of British Columbia
- Falko Fecht, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
- Peter Feldhütter, Copenhagen Business School
- Nuno Fernandes, Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
- Chitru Fernando, University of Oklahoma
- Fabrizio Ferri, Miami Business School
- Eliezer Fich, Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business
- Laura Field, University of Delaware
- Damir Filipovic, EPFL
- Ilias Filippou, Washington University in St. Louis and University of Warwick
- Adlai Fisher, UBC
- Zsuzsanna Fluck, Michigan State University
- Vyacheslav Fos, Boston College
- Thierry Foucault, Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris
- Mathieu Fournier, HEC Montréal
- Cesare Fracassi, University of Texas at Austin
- Francesco Franzoni, USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Swiss Finance Institute
- Rik Frehen, Tilburg University
- Xavier Freixas, Pompeu Fabra University
- Laurent Fresard, University of Lugano
- Nils Friewald, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
- Cary Frydman, USC
- Fangjian Fu, Singapore Management University
- Roland Fuess, University of St.Gallen
- Paolo Fulghieri, UNC Chapel Hill
- Michael Gallmeyer, University of Virginia
- Andrea Gamba, University of Warwick
- Priyank Gandhi, Rutgers Business School
- Nickolay Gantchev, Southern Methodist University
- Janet Gao, Indiana University
- Diego Garcia, University of Colorado Boulder
- Jose Miguel Gaspar, ESSEC Business School
- Federico Gavazzoni, INSEAD
- Monika Gehde-Trapp, University of Hohenheim
- Thomas Gehrig, University of Vienna
- Bruno Gerard, BI Norwegian Business School
- William Gerken, University of Kentucky
- Simon Gervais, Duke University
- Ron Giammarino, University of British Columbia
- Javier Gil-Bazo, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Thomas Gilbert, University of Washington
- Erik Gilje, University of Pennsylvania
- Edith Ginglinger, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Xavier Giroud, Columbia University
- Vincent Glode, University of Pennsylvania
- Michael Gofman, Rochester
- David Goldreich, University of Toronto
- Benjamin Golez, University of Notre Dame
- Joao Gomes, University of Pennsylvania
- Juan Pedro Gómez, IE Business School
- Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Washington University in St. Louis
- Martin Götz, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Amit Goyal, University of Lausanne
- Vidhan K. Goyal, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Ruslan Goyenko, McGill University
- Arie Gozluklu, University of Warwick
- Clifton Green, Emory University
- Daniel Greenwald, MIT Sloan
- Moqi Groen-Xu, London School of Economics
- Denis Gromb, HEC PARIS
- Gustavo Grullon, Rice University
- Bruce D. Grundy, The University of Melbourne
- Sebastian Gryglewicz, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Massimo Guidolin, Bocconi University
- Huseyin Gulen, Purdue University
- Arpit Gupta, NYU Stern
- Umit Gurun, University of Texas at Dallas
- Michel Habib, University of Zurich
- Isaac Hacamo, Nova School of Business and Economics
- Dirk Hackbarth, Boston University
- Valentin Haddad, UCLA
- Kathleen Hagerty, Northwestern University
- Björn Hagströmer, Stockholm University
- Michael Halling, Stockholm School of Economics
- Allaudeen Hameed, National University of Singapore
- Bing Han, University of Toronto
- Jungsuk Han, Stockholm School of Economics
- Kathleen Hanley, Lehigh University
- Jeffrey H. Harris, American University
- Samuel Hartzmark, University of Chicago
- Joel Hasbrouck, Stern School, New York University
- Rainer Haselmann, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Ping He, Tsinghua University
- Zhiguo He, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
- Ulrich Hege, Toulouse School of Economics
- Florian Heider, European Central Bank
- Andrew Hertzberg, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- Michael Hertzel, Arizona State University
- Alexander Hillert, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Jens Hilscher, UC Davis
- Nicholas Hirschey, London Business School
- Craig Holden, Indiana University
- Burton Hollifield, Carnegie Mellon University
- Johan Hombert, HEC Paris
- Edith Hotchkiss, Boston College
- Kewei Hou, The Ohio State University
- Sabrina Howell, NYU Stern
- Christopher Hrdlicka, University of Washington
- David Arthur Hsieh, Duke University
- Po-Hsuan Hsu, University of Hong Kong
- Jianfeng Hu, Singapore Management University
- Jennifer Huang, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
- Sheng Huang, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
- Eric Hughson, Claremont McKenna College
- Julien Hugonnier, EPFL
- Mark Huson, University of Alberta
- Chuan Yang Hwang, Nanyang Technological University
- Rustam Ibragimov, Imperial College Business School
- Philipp Illeditsch, Carnegie Mellon University
- Sebastian Infante, Federal Reserve Board
- Vasso Ioaniddou, Lancaster University
- Filippo Ippolito, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Paul Irvine, Texas Christian University
- Benjamin Iverson, Brigham Young University
- Zoran Ivkovich, Michigan State University
- Jens Carsten Jackwerth, University of Konstanz
- Kris Jacobs, University of Houston
- Ravi Jagannathan, Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
- Christopher James, University of Florida
- Jessica Jeffers, University of Chicago
- Bjarne Astrup Jensen, Copenhagen Business School
- Dirk Jenter, London School of Economics
- Urban J. Jermann, University of Pennsylvania
- Danling Jiang, Stony Brook University
- Wei Jiang, Columbia University
- Yawen Jiao, UC Riverside
- Lawrence Jin, California Institute of Technology
- Travis Johnson, The University of Texas at Austin
- Christopher Jones, University of Southern California
- Howard Jones, University of Oxford
- Philippe Jorion, UC Irvine
- Chotibhak Jotikasthira, Southern Methodist University
- Nengjiu Ju, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Christian Julliard, LSE
- Petri Jylhä, Aalto University
- Marcin Kacperczyk, Imperial College Business School
- Gregory B. Kadlec, Virginia Tech
- Dalida Kadyrzhanova, Georgia State University
- Kathleen Kahle, University of Arizona
- Bige Kahraman, University of Oxford
- Avner Kalay, Tel Aviv University
- Jayant Kale, Northeastern University
- Swaminathan Kalpathy, Texas Christian University
- Jun-Koo Kang, Nanyang Technological University
- Oğuzhan Karakaş, University of Cambridge
- Paul Karehnke, ESCP Europe
- Stephen Karolyi, Carnegie Mellon University
- Ambrus Kecskes, Schulich School of Business at York University
- Simi Kedia, Rutgers University
- Donald Keim, University of Pennsylvania
- Matti Keloharju, Aalto University
- Alexander Kempf, University of Cologne
- Elisabeth Kempf, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
- Aneel Keswani, cass business school
- Naveen Khanna, Michigan State University
- Bong-Chan Kho, Seoul National University
- Dasol Kim, U.S. Department of Treasury
- Han Kim, University of Michigan
- Hyunseob Kim, Cornell University
- Seoyoung Kim, Santa Clara University
- Michael Kisser, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
- Kristoph Kleiner, Indiana University
- Samuli Knüpfer, BI Norwegian Business School
- Anzhela Knyazeva, US securities and Exchange Commission
- Andrew Wallace Koch, University of Pittsburgh
- Shimon Kogan, IDC Herzliya
- Julian Kolm, University of Vienna
- Robert A. Korajczyk, Northwestern University
- Timo Korkeamaki, Hanken School of Economics
- Olaf Korn, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Arthur Korteweg, University of Southern California
- Jennifer Koski, University of Washington
- Yrjo Koskinen, University of Calgary
- Robert Kosowski, Imperial College Business School
- Roy Kouwenberg, Mahidol University
- Roman Kozhan, Roman Kozhan
- Holger Kraft, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Lisa Kramer, University of Toronto
- Dennis Kristensen, University College London
- Tim Kroencke, University of Neuchâtel
- Felix Kübler, University of Zurich
- Lars-Alexander Kuehn, Carnegie Mellon University
- Praveen Kumar, University of Houston
- Howard Kung, London Business School
- John Chi-Fong Kuong, INSEAD
- Pablo Kurlat, Stanford University
- Bart Lambrecht, University of Cambridge
- Christopher Lamoureux, University of Arizona
- David Lando, Copenhagen Business School
- Hugues Langlois, HEC Paris
- Christine Laudenbach, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Christian Laux, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Anh Le, Penn State University
- Chris Leach, University of Colorado Boulder
- Charles M. C. Lee, Stanford University
- Samuel Lee, Santa Clara University
- Yaron Leitner, Washington University in St. Louis
- Mikko Leppämäki, Aalto University
- Josh Lerner, Harvard Business School
- Martin Lettau, Haas School of Business
- Doron Levit, University of Pennsylvania
- Haitao Li, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
- Kai Li, University of British Columbia
- Kai Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Wei Li, University of Iowa
- Xi Li, London School of Economics
- Yan Li, Temple University
- Bing Liang, UMass Amherst
- Hao Liang, Singapore Management University
- Andres Liberman, NYU Stern School of Business
- Jose Maria Liberti, DePaul University
- Erik Lie, University of Iowa
- Sonya Lim, DePaul University
- Tse-Chun Lin, University of Hong Kong
- Laura Lindsey, Arizona State University
- Juhani Linnainmaa, University of Southern California
- Karl Lins, University of Utah
- Tingjun Liu, University of Hong Kong
- Xuewen Liu, HKUST
- Alexander Ljungqvist, Stockholm School of Economics
- Lars Lochstoer, UCLA Anderson School of Management
- Claudio Loderer, University of Bern
- Roger Loh, Singapore Management University
- Benjamin Loos, University of Technology Sydney
- Gyongyi Loranth, University of Vienna
- Dong Lou, London School of Economics
- Tim Loughran, University of Notre Dame
- Elena Loutskina, University of Virginia
- Stefano Lovo, HEC Paris
- Angie Low, Nanyang Technological University
- Michelle Lowry, Drexel University
- Christian Lundblad, UNC Chapel Hill
- Frederik Lundtofte, Lund University
- Jiang Luo, Nanyang Technological University
- Evgeny Lyandres, Boston University
- Anthony Lynch, NYU Stern School of Business
- Song Ma, Yale University
- Marco Macchiavelli, Federal Reserve Board
- Peter MacKay, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Angela Maria Maddaloni, European Central Bank
- Ananth Madhavan, BlackRock
- Leonardo Madureira, Case Western Reserve University
- Pascal Maenhout, INSEAD
- Matteo Maggiori, Harvard University
- Semyon Malamud, EPFL
- Andrey Malenko, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Nadya Malenko, Boston College
- Katya Malinova, McMaster University
- Alberto Manconi, Bocconi University
- William Mann, UCLA
- Qinghao Mao, Deakin University
- Roberto Marfè, Collegio Carlo Alberto
- Angnieszka Markiewicz, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Ian Martin, LSE
- Jens Martin, University of Amsterdam
- Spencer Martin, University of Melbourne
- David Martinez-Miera, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Alberto Martin-Utrera, Lancaster University
- Massimo Massa, INSEAD
- Ronald Masulis, University of New South Wales
- Gregor Matvos, University of Texas at Austin
- David Mauer, UNC Charlotte
- Ernst Maug, Universität Mannheim
- Robert L. McDonald, Northwestern University
- David McLean, Georgetown University
- William Megginson, University of Oklahoma
- Pierre Mella-Barral, Toulouse Business School
- Antonio Mello, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Javier Mencía, Bank of Spain
- Albert Menkveld, VU University Amsterdam
- Ouarda Merrouche, University Paris Nanterre and EconomiX
- Thomas Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- Daniel Metzger, Stockholm School of Economics
- Filippo Mezzanotti, Northwestern University
- Alex Michaelides, Imperial College London
- Roni Michaely, University of Geneva
- Sebastien Michenaud, DePaul University
- Kristian R. Miltersen, Copenhagen Business School
- Raoul Minetti, Michigan State University
- Bernadette Minton, The Ohio State University
- Indrajit Mitra, University of Michigan
- Aksel Mjøs, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
- Sophie Moinas, Toulouse Scool of Economics
- Alan Moreira, University of Rochester
- Alan Morrison, Said Business School
- Fariborz Moshirian, University of New South Wales
- Nathalie Moyen, University of Colorado Boulder
- Holger M. Mueller, NYU Stern School of Business
- Philippe Mueller, Warwick University
- Alexander Muermann, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Tobias Muhlhofer, University of Miami
- Tyler Muir, UCLA
- Abhiroop Mukherjee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Claus Munk, Copenhagen Business School
- David Musto, University of Pennsylvania
- Florian Nagler, Bocconi University
- Amrita Nain, University of Iowa
- Ramana Nanda, Harvard Business School
- Vikram Nanda, University of Texas at Dallas
- P. Narayanan, University of Michigan
- Charles Nathanson, Northwestern University
- Anthony Neuberger, Cass Business School
- David Ng, Cornell University
- Bang Nguyen, University of Cambridge
- Kasper Meisner Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
- Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, University of Mannheim
- Boris Nikolov, University of Lausanne, Swiss Finance Institute
- Mattias Nilsson, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Greg Nini, Drexel University
- Thomas Noe, University of Oxford
- Lars Norden, Getulio Vargas Foundation
- Oyvind Norli, BI Norwegian Business School
- Jaromir Nosal, Boston College
- Peter Mikael Nyberg, Aalto University
- Kjell Nyborg, University of Zurich
- Stefan Obernberger, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Jacob Oded, Tel Aviv University
- Per Nils Oestberg, University of Zurich
- Micah Officer, Loyola Marymount University
- Maureen O’Hara, Cornell University
- Steven Ongena, University of Zurich
- Christian Opp, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- Marcus Opp, SSE
- Anna Orlik, Federal Reserve Board
- Evren Örs, HEC Paris
- Hernan Ortiz-Molina, University of British Columbia
- Fulvio Ortu, Bocconi University
- Elisa Ossola, European Commission Joint Research Centre
- Charlotte Ostergaard, BI Norwegian Business School
- Clemens Otto, Singapore Management University
- Alexei V. Ovtchinnikov, HEC Paris
- Oguzhan Ozbas, University of Southern California
- Emre Ozdenoren, London Business School
- Marco Pagano, University of Naples Federico II
- Emiliano Pagnotta, Imperial College Business School
- Dino Palazzo, Federal Reserve Board
- Darius Palia, Rutgers Business School
- Christopher Palmer, MIT Sloan
- Yihui Pan, University of Utah
- Marios Panayides, University of Cyprus
- Fausto Panunzi, Bocconi University
- Daniel Paravisini, London School of Economics
- Gianpaolo Parise, EDHEC Business School
- Andreas Park, University of Toronto
- Cecilia Parlatore, NYU Stern School of Business
- Christine Parlour, UC Berkeley
- Jerry Parwada, University of New South Wales
- Paolo Pasquariello, University of Michigan
- Nicola Pavanini, Tilburg University
- Anna Pavlova, London Business School
- Grzegorz Pawlina, Lancaster University
- Bradley Paye, Virginia Tech
- Neil D. Pearson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Loriana Pelizzon, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Joao Pereira, Nova School of Business and Economics
- Joel Peress, INSEAD
- Christophe Perignon, HEC Paris
- Mohammad Hashem Pesaran, University of Southern California
- Carolin Elisabeth Pflueger, University of British Columbia
- L Phalippou, SBS Oxford
- Gordon Phillips, Dartmouth College
- Giorgia Piacentino, Columbia University
- Alberto Plazzi, USI Università della Svizzera italiana
- Christopher Polk, London School of Economics
- Andrea Polo, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona GSE
- Lukasz Pomorski, AQR Capital Management, LLC
- Alexander Popov, European Central Bank
- Paolo Porchia, LUISS University
- Sebastien Pouget, Toulouse School of Economics
- Annette B. Poulsen, University of Georgia
- Paul Povel, University of Houston
- Melissa Prado, Nova School of Business and Economics
- Alessandro Previtero, Indiana University
- Robert Prilmeier, Tulane University
- Andy Puckett, University of Tennessee
- Amiyatosh Purnanandam, University of Michigan
- Yaxuan Qi, City University of Hong Kong
- Wenlan Qian, National University of Singapore
- Francisco Queiro, Nova School of Business and Economics
- Rohit Rahi, London School of Economics
- Uday Rajan, University of Michigan
- Tarun Ramadorai, Imperial College Business School
- Vikas Raman, Lancaster University
- Rodney Ramcharam, USC
- Adriano Rampini, Duke University
- Angelo Ranaldo, University of St. Gallen
- Otto Randl, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Jesper Rangvid, Copenhagen Business School
- Raghavendra Rau, University of Cambridge
- Abraham Ravid, Yeshiva University
- Enrichetta Ravina, Northwestern University
- Rina Ray, University of Colorado Denver
- Michael J Rebello, University of Texas at Dallas
- Adam Reed, University of Cambridge/UNC
- Luc Renneboog, Tilburg University
- Jonathan Reuter, Boston College
- Robert Richmond, NYU Stern School of Business
- Timothy Riley, University of Arkansas
- Barbara Rindi, Bocconi University
- Marcel Rindisbacher, Boston University
- Matthew Ringgenberg, University of Utah
- Ryan Riordan, Queen’s University
- Jean-Charles Rochet, University of Geneva
- Joerg Rocholl, ESMT Berlin
- Michael Rockinger, University of Lausanne
- Francesc Rodriguez Tous, Cass Business School
- Petrus Gerardus Roosenboom, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Stefano Rossi, Bocconi University
- Marzena Rostek, University of Wisconsin – Madison
- Ioanid Rosu, HEC Paris
- Stefan Ruenzi, University of Mannheim
- Kristian Rydqvist, Binghamton University
- Aleksandra Rzeznik, WU Vienna
- Stefano Sacchetto, IESE Business School
- Farzad Saidi, Stockholm School of Economics
- Carolina Salva, University of Neuchatel
- Francesco Sangiorgi, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- Alessio Saretto, University of Texas at Dallas
- Lucio Sarno, Cass Business School
- Zacharias Sautner, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
- Julien Sauvagnat, Bocconi University
- Pavel Savor, DePaul University
- Stephen Schaefer, London Business School
- Anna D. Scherbina, Brandeis University
- Michael Schill, University of Virginia
- Christian Schlag, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Frederik Schlingemann, University of Pittsburgh, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Martin Schmalz, University of Michigan
- Maik Schmeling, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Lukas Schmid, Duke University
- Markus Schmid, University of St. Gallen
- Thomas Schmid, University of Hong Kong
- Breno Schmidt, UNSW Sydney
- Christoph Schneider, Tilburg University
- Enrique Schroth, Cass Business School
- Florian Schulz, University of Washington
- Norman Schürhoff, University of Lausanne and SFI
- Miriam Schwartz-Ziv, Michigan State University
- Christopher Schwarz, UC Irvine
- Mark Seasholes, Arizona State University
- Rik Sen, University of New South Wales
- Berk Sensoy, Vanderbilt University
- Duane Joseph Seppi, Carnegie Mellon University
- Piet Sercu, KU Leuven
- Henri Servaes, London Business School
- Felipe Severino, Dartmouth College
- Merih Sevilir, Indiana University
- Joel Shapiro, University of Oxford
- Anil Shivdasani, UNC Chapel Hill
- Sophie Shive, University of Notre Dame
- Tao Shu, University of Georgia
- Clemens Sialm, University of Texas at Austin
- Richard Sias, University of Arizona
- Stephan Siegel, University of Washington
- Rui Silva, London Business School
- Elena Simintzi, University of North Carolina
- Andrei Simonov, Michigan State University
- Mikhail Simutin, University of Toronto
- Emil Siriwardane, Harvard Business School
- Georgios Skoulakis, University of British Columbia
- Jason Smith, Utah State University
- Paolo Sodini, Stockholm School of Economics
- Elvira Sojli, University of New South Wales
- Carsten Sorensen, Copenhagen Business School
- Morten Sørensen, Copenhagen Business School
- Denis Sosyura, Arizona State University
- Christophe Spaenjers, HEC Paris
- Oliver Spalt, Tilburg University
- Leon Bogdan Stacescu, BI Norwegian Business School
- Jared Stanfield, University of New South Wales
- Richard Stanton, UC Berkeley
- Andreas Stathopoulos, University of North Carolina
- Irina Stefanescu, Federal Reserve Board
- Noah Stoffman, Indiana University
- Alex Stomper, Humboldt University
- Neal Stoughton, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Alexander Stremme, University of Warwick
- Günter Strobl, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
- Per Strömberg, Stockholm School of Economics
- Xunhua Su, Norwegian School of Economics
- Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, University of Cambridge, UCLA
- Marti G. Subrahmanyam, NYU Stern School of Business
- Johan Sulaeman, National University of Singapore
- Savitar Sundaresan, Imperial College London
- Adi Sunderam, Harvard Business School
- Peter Lawrence Swan, UNSW Sydney
- Marta Szymanowska, RSM, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Jerome Taillard, Babson College
- Andrea Tamoni, London School of Economics
- Dragon Yongjun Tang, University of Hong Kong
- Monika Tarsalewska, University of Exeter Business School
- Lucian Taylor, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- Claudio Tebaldi, Bocconi University
- Melvyn Teo, Singapore Management University
- Wing Wah Tham, University of New South Wales
- Erik Theissen, University of Mannheim
- David Thesmar, MIT Sloan
- James R. Thompson, University of Waterloo
- Karin Thorburn, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
- Katrin Tinn, Imperial College Business School
- Stathis Tompaidis, University of Texas at Austin
- Qing Tong, Renmin University of China
- Rick Townsend, UCSD
- Anh Tran, Cass Business School
- Fabio Trojani, University of Geneva, Swiss Finance Institute
- Charles Trzcinka, Indiana University
- Yuri Tserlukevich, ASU
- Margarita Tsoutsoura, Cornell University
- Sergey Tsyplakov, University of South Carolina
- Jun Tu, Singapore Management University
- Harry Turtle, Colorado State University
- Raman Uppal, EDHEC Business School
- Francisco Urzua, Cass Business School
- Boris Vallee, Harvard Business School
- Philip Valta, University of Bern
- Michel van der Wel, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Mathijs van Dijk, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Vincent van Kervel, Catholic University of Chile
- Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Columbia University Graduate School of Business
- Edward van Wesep, University of Colorado Boulder
- Felipe Varas, Duke University
- Alexander Vedrashko, Simon Fraser University
- Clara Vega, Federal Reserv Board of Governors
- Laura Veldkamp, Columbia Business School
- Kumar Venkataraman, Southern Methodist University
- Gyuri Venter, Copenhagen Business School
- Michela Verardo, London School of Economics
- Adrien Verdelhan, MIT Sloan School of Management
- Carles Vergara-Alert, IESE Business School
- Patrick Verwijmeren, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- James Vickery, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Anand M. Vijh, University of Iowa
- Grigory Vilkov, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
- Annette Vissing-Jorgensen, UC Berkeley
- (Vish) Viswanathan, Duke University
- Xavier Vives, IESE Business School
- Paolo Volpin, Cass Business School
- Ulf von Lilienfeld-Toal, University of Luxembourg
- Ernst-Ludwig (Elu) von Thadden, University of Mannheim
- Guillaume Vuillemey, HEC Paris
- Alexander Wagner, University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute
- Christian Wagner, WU Vienna
- Hannes F. Wagner, Bocconi University
- Johan Walden, UC Berkeley
- Nancy Wallace, University of California, Berkeley
- Ansgar Walther, Imperial College London
- Jessie Jiaxu Wang, Arizona State University
- Rong Wang, Singapore Management University
- Sarah Qian Wang, University of Warwick
- Wenyu Wang, Indiana University
- Xinxin Wang, UNC
- Zhenyu Wang, Indiana University
- Akiko Watanabe, University of Alberta
- Masahiro Watanabe, University of Alberta
- Martin Weber, University of Mannheim
- Michael Weber, University of Chicago
- K.C. John Wei, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Mark Westerfield, University of Washington
- Ramona Westermann, Copenhagen Business School
- James Weston, Rice University
- Rohan Garfield Williamson, Georgetown Univresity
- Yupana Wiwattanakantang, National University of Singapore
- Avi Wohl, Tel Aviv University
- Andrew Wu, University of Michigan
- Jing Cynthia Wu, University of Notre Dame
- Youchang Wu, University of Oregon
- Jeffrey Allen Wurgler, NYU Stern School of Business
- Mindy Xiaolan, University of Texas at Austin
- Dacheng Xiu, University of Chicago
- Jin Xu, Virginia Tech
- Yan Xu, University of Hong Kong
- Yuhai Xuan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Pradeep Yadav, University of Oklahoma
- Hongjun Yan, DePaul University
- Jie Yang, Federal Reserve Board
- Ke Yang, Lehigh University
- Li Yang, University of New South Wales
- Liu Yang, University of Maryland
- Liyan Yang, University of Toronto
- Tong Yao, University of Iowa
- David Yermack, NYU Stern School of Business
- Scott Yonker, Cornell University
- Youngsuk Yook, Federal Reserve Board
- Jianfeng Yu, PBCSF, Tsinghua University
- Xiaoyun Yu, Indiana University
- Bart Yueshen, INSEAD
- Konstantinos E. Zachariadis, Queen Mary University of London
- Alminas Zaldokas, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Rafael Zambrana, Nova School of Business and Economics
- Fernando Zapatero, University of Southern California
- Rebecca Zarutskie, Federal Reserve Board
- Josef Zechner, WU Vienna
- Jason Zein, University of New South Wales
- Jaime F. Zender, University of Colorado Boulder
- Bohui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- Chu Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Feng Zhang, University of Utah
- Huiping Zhang, James Cook University
- Lu Zhang, Ohio state university
- Wenrui Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Zhe Zhang, Singapore Management University
- Mengxin Zhao, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Xiaofei Zhao, Georgetown University
- Alexei Zhdanov, Penn State University
- Lu Zheng, University of California, Irvine
- Guofu Zhou, Washington University in St. Louis
- Haoxiang Zhu, MIT Sloan School of Management
- John Zhu, Wharton
- Hong Zou, University of Hong Kong
- Irina Zviadadze, Stockholm School of Economics
- Eric Zwick, University of Chicago Booth School of Business